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Be happy. Just be.
with medihelp


Our plans are the answer to your needs and expectations.

BenefitBlue PlanAdmiral PlanRoyal Plan
Overall maximum limit500,000 EUR1,500,000 EUR3,000,000 EUR
In-patient (day or night)IncludedIncludedIncluded
Out-patient treatmentN/AIncludedIncluded
Emergency out-patient treatmentUp to 500 EURIncludedIncluded
Cancer treatment (in-patient)IncludedIncludedIncluded
Cancer treatment (out-patient)N/AIncludedIncluded
Transplant servicesIncludedIncludedIncluded
Advanced imagingIncludedIncludedIncluded
International Emergency Medical EvacuationN/AIncludedIncluded
Repatriation of Mortal RemainsN/AUp to 10,000 EURUp to 10,000 EUR
Routine Maternity CareN/AUp to 4,000 EUR (waiting period 12 months)Up to 10,000 EUR (waiting period 12 months)
Newborn careN/AUp to 25,000 EURUp to 100,000 EUR
Preventive treatmentN/AUp to 350 EUR (waiting period 10 months)Up to 750 EUR (waiting period 10 months)
VaccinationsN/AUp to 200 EURUp to 350 EUR
Optional: Dental, OpticalN/A Available (waiting period 6 months)Available (waiting period 6 months)


When it comes to private medical insurance, you can count on us. Present in the market for over 20 years, MediHelp International is the leading provider of international private health insurance in Central and Eastern Europe.

With representatives in Romania, Hungary, and Poland, MediHelp successfully combines international health insurance with international medical assistance, benefiting its clients.

Are you a broker? See the benefits that MediHelp can provide for you and your clients.

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